Joslin Rental & Hire Businesses

Joslin Studio Pty Ltd does not support nor endorse hiring boutiques or similar rental businesses. 
Joslin Studio Pty Ltd has not authorised any designs, garments or products to be sold, hired or rented out by any other business or entity within Australia or The World, other than Joslin Studio Pty Ltd or stockists authorised by Joslin Studio Pty Ltd within Australia or overseas. Joslin Studio Pty Ltd's authorised stockists can be viewed here.
Any customers found to have sold Joslin Studio Pty Ltd product to a hire or rental business, or, any customers found to have directly purchased Joslin Studio Pty Ltd product from or an authorised stockist to sell through their own hire or rental business or entity will be immediately blocked from recurring purchases, indefinitely.
Joslin Studio Pty Ltd reserves the right to refuse a sale and/or refund the customer before shipment if suspected of being from a hiring boutique. Customers found by any means, including public profiles on social media (i.e Joslin Studio Pty Ltd's instagram profile '@joslin_studio' has been tagged on instagram via a hiring boutique instagram profile with their page set to 'public'), to have directly purchased from or an authorised stockist  and resold to, or, via a hire or rental business or entity may receive further legal enquiry from Joslin Studio Pty Ltd, further legal enquiry from our authorised stockists or other bodies as authorised by Joslin Studio Pty Ltd or other bodies as authorised by our authorised stockists.
Please note our regular Returns Policy does not apply for dress hire businesses, hiring boutiques or similar rental businesses. Any such businesses placing orders agree that they waive their right to return, credit, refund, exchange, repair or remedy in any circumstance, including faulty or manufacturing.