What does International Women's Day mean to you? Realistically, every day should be Women's Day - but as a whole, an entire day dedicated to women means that it can hopefully highlight topics that might otherwise be sidelined or deemed 'not as newsworthy' despite it affecting 50% of the population!
What stigmas or adversities have you experienced in your career, industry or in life, that you would like to see dismantled? Biases are dependent on gender and ethnicity. I get asked more often than one would realise, "Where are you really from?" with a really weird emphasis on the word "really".
What personal or career advice have you received that's been particularly valuable to you? Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. And from The September Issue, Grace Coddington looking out the window of a car, saying 'Always keep your eyes open.'
What is the action or decision you've made that you're most proud of? In my 30s, and generally, as I get older, I care less about what others think. I love getting older; I was the type of teenager who could not wait to be in my 30s!
How can women better empower each other to succeed? I think letting people know they're not alone in their struggles or experiences. That's what's great about female friends - sharing one's experiences or views makes you better understand the world and your place in it.
Why do you think diversity and inclusion in the workplace is so important? You always need a new perspective. Homogeneity gets dull - diversity of thought shakes things up. Both diversity and inclusion, frankly, should be a given.