What does International Women's Day mean to you? International Women's Day, at its core, is a rallying cry; it's an important reminder that progress doesn't happen by accident. All the accomplishments and successes women celebrate today didn't come easily, but they prove what's possible.
What stigmas or adversities have you experienced in your career, industry or in life, that you would like to see dismantled? I have had an amazing career in the fashion industry, and so many women working in this field share the same juggles we have as working parents. I do recall when coming back to work after having my first son, there was some hesitancy about whether I could resume my role (as a buyer, I had to travel overseas every two months), so I had to prove to them and myself that I could manage it. Luckily my family and partner were very supportive of me and helped raise my children while I was away working.
What personal or career advice have you received that's been particularly valuable to you? 'Go back to work.' My mum was very supportive of this and encouraged me to do it. I love being a mum, but I also love being me too. Going back to work made me a better mother and person. I could continue reaching my personal goals and learnt the art of the calm juggle. I can be a partner, mother, friend, sister, boss and me all simultaneously.
What is the action or decision you've made that you're most proud of? I have two boys, Mac is eleven, and Jay is seventeen. They are both very kind boys, but I watch Jay as a teenager navigating growing up, and how he treats women is beautiful. He has strong female role models; his grandmother and aunties and I guide him. I also believe sending children to coeducational schools is essential to breaking down gender issues.
How can women better empower each other to succeed? There are so many conversations about 'women supporting women,' but if I'm honest, women can be threatened and not supportive (or kind) of each other. I believe it's imperative to be confident, fulfilled and happy within yourself first and foremost, as this will allow you to support other women's successes.
Why do you think diversity and inclusion in the workplace is so important? Women benefit from working with men, and men benefit from working with women. It is symbiotic.
What is one small act each of us can do that supports the IWD 2023 theme #EmbraceEquity? Teach our boys. They are the future change-makers. I love this quote 'feminism isn't about making women strong. Women are already strong. It's about changing the way the world perceives that strength.' G.D Anderson
If you could have dinner with an inspirational woman, dead or alive, who would they be and why? I would love to sit down with my grandmothers, Zora and Kata, now I am an adult and talk to them about all the challenges and lessons they experienced. They both passed away when I was young, and I have since learnt they had incredible journeys navigating life, escaping a war, moving to a new country and having very little. I would also like them to teach me their secret recipes!