Manufacturing Code Of Conduct 2021.

Last update: October 2020 | Next update: October 2021

Joslin has strong sustainability and ethical values; we are committed to reducing our impacts on global warming and our carbon footprint as a consumer goods business. 

Joslin works with all manufacturing partners to continuously improve environmental conditions and social compliance across our global network and supply chain.

Joslin's Supplier Code of Conduct outlines our commitment to best practice and high-class industry standards. Joslin's Supplier Code of Conduct outlines our responsibilities and principles to ensure that all manufacturing partners uphold a consistent set of policies, procedures, and certifications despite our cultural and legal differences.

Joslin recognises the many operational, financial, legal, and 'minimum order quantity' limitations within our Supplier Code of Conduct framework. We will respectfully work with you within these limitations and strive for constant improvement with every audit.

Human Rights, Working Conditions & Living Wage.

Joslin's core business values include respecting all people behind the manufacture of our garments. We constantly strive for improvement and transparency in our supply chains, ensuring all businesses, garment workers, agricultural workers, and farm workers are paid within a reasonable time frame and reasonably compensated or paid a living wage following local laws.

Joslin follows the Amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI), an industry-driven movement that monitors and assesses workplace standards across the global supply chain. 
An Amfori BSCI audit helps Joslin monitor its manufacturing partners in its supply chain to ensure that all suppliers treat workers ethically and legally.
The manufacturing partner agrees to bi-annual audits with Amfori BSCI.
The manufacturing partner agrees that when a minimum of a B+ standard is not met, it is mandatory to improve in the next Amfori BSCI Audit and work closely in the interim with Joslin to meet all working conditions inside this Code of Conduct.
The manufacturing partner recognises that Joslin will end the business partnership if the improvement is not shown in the next audit with Amfori BSCI Audit.
In the circumstance that a manufacturing partner cannot arrange an Amfori Audit, the below Audits will be found acceptable:
- WRAP Compliance Audit (World Responsible Accredited Production)
- Intertek Workplace Conditions Report
- SMETA Audit (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit)
The manufacturing partner agrees to quarterly visits from the Joslin design team to inspect the working conditions of all workers, makers, and merchandisers.  
The manufacturing partner will provide Joslin with transparency of Tier 2 and Tier 3 suppliers and vendors wherever possible and reasonable to do so.
The manufacturing partner agrees to provide all adequate or requested information, including of Tier 2 and Tier 3 suppliers, including the following certifications:
- Amfori BSCI Audit(s)
- Amfori Sustainability Platform Audit(s)
- WRAP Compliance Audit(s)
- Intertek Workplace Conditions Report(s)
- SMETA Audit (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit)
- Country-Of-Origin Certificate(s)
- Fairtrade® Certificate(s)
- GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) Certificates(s)
- OCS (Organic Content Standard) Certificates(s)
- ICCAW (International Cooperation Committee of Animal Welfare).   

Manufacturing partners will ensure the following for their garment workers:
- Respecting the right of garment workers to form unions in a free and democratic way
- Not discriminate against workers because of trade union membership and
- Respect workers' right to bargain collectively.
Manufacturing partners shall not prevent workers' representatives from having access to workers in the workplace or interacting with them.
When operating in countries where trade union activity is unlawful or where free and democratic trade union activity is not allowed, manufacturing partners shall respect this principle by allowing workers to freely elect their representatives with whom the company can enter into the dialogue about workplace issues.  

Joslin has a zero-tolerance policy for any form of discrimination of racism, homophobia, sexism, ableism, appearance, age, beliefs, and religion.
The manufacturing partner understands the terminology of discrimination and shall not discriminate, exclude or have a specific preference for persons based on:
- Gender
- Age
- Religion
- Race
- Caste
- Birth
- Social Background
- Disability  
- Ableism
- Ethnic and National Origin
- Nationality
- Membership in Unions
- Or any other legitimated organisations, political affiliation, or opinions
- Sexual Orientation
- Family responsibilities
- Marital status
- Diseases and illnesses
- Or any other condition that could give rise to discrimination.
In particular, workers shall not be harassed or disciplined on any of the grounds listed above.  

The manufacturing partner recognises that paying garment workers a 'living wage' or higher than the 'minimum wage' is a core brand value and principle of Joslin, Joslin's business partners, and Joslin's customers.
The manufacturing partner understands the terminology of a 'living wage' as follows:
- A living wage is a high enough wage to maintain a positive standard of living, and it's defined as the minimum income necessary for a garment worker to meet their basic needs, their rights, and meet the cost of living.
- A living wage is higher than the country or province's average 'minimum wage.' A living wage should match or be higher than a country's, province's, or state's average 'living cost.'
The manufacturing partner observes this principle and respects the right of the workers to receive fair remuneration that is sufficient to provide them with a decent living for themselves and their families, as well as the social benefits legally granted, without prejudice to the specific expectations set out hereunder.
Manufacturing partners shall comply, as a minimum, with wages above those mandated by governments' minimum wage legislation or industry standards approved based on collective bargaining, whichever is higher.
Wages are to be paid on time, regularly, and entirely in legal tender. 
The level of wages is to reflect the skills and education of workers and shall refer to regular working hours.
Deductions will be permitted only under the conditions and to the extent prescribed by law or fixed by collective agreement or contract signed by both the worker and the manufacturing partner.

The Supplier/Manufacturer/Business Partner observes the principle of 'Decent Working Hours' and ensures that:
- Workers are not required to work more than 48 regular hours per week
- Without prejudice to the specific expectations set out hereunder
Joslin recognises the exceptions specified by the ILO (International Labour Organisation):
- Applicable national laws are to be interpreted within the international framework set out by the ILO.
- Industry benchmark standards are to be interpreted within the international framework set out by the ILO.
- Collective agreements are to be interpreted within the international framework set out by the ILO.
In exceptional cases defined by the ILO, the limit of hours of work prescribed above may be exceeded, in which case overtime is permitted, if the use of overtime is:
- Exceptional (unusual and not typical or often)
- Voluntary
- Paid at a premium rate of 1.5 or 2 times the regular rate
- Shall not represent a significantly higher likelihood of occupational hazards.
Furthermore, the manufacturing partner shall grant their garment workers the right to resting breaks in every working day and the right to at least one day off every seven days, unless fair and reasonable exceptions defined by collective agreements apply.  

The manufacturing partner observes the principle of the 'right to healthy working and living conditions of garment workers and local communities, without prejudice to the specific expectations set out hereunder.
Vulnerable individuals such as - but not limited to:
- Young workers
- New and expecting mothers
- Persons with disabilities
shall receive special protection and facilities.
The manufacturing partner shall comply with occupational health and safety regulations or international standards where domestic legislation is weak or poorly enforced.
The active cooperation between management and workers and their representatives is essential to develop and implement systems towards ensuring a safe and healthy work environment. It is achieved through the establishment of Occupational Health and Safety Committees.
The manufacturing partner shall ensure that:
- There are systems in place to detect, assess, avoid and respond to potential threats to the health and safety of workers.
- Will take adequate measures to prevent workers from having accidents, injuries or illnesses, arising from, associated with, or occurring during work.
- Measures should aim at minimising so far as is reasonable the causes of hazards inherent within the workplace.
- Seek improving worker's protection in case of an accident, including through compulsory insurance schemes.
Shall take all appropriate measures within their sphere of influence, to see to the stability and safety of the equipment and buildings they use, the residential facilities to workers when the employer provides these, and protect against any foreseeable emergency.
- Respect the workers' right to exit the premises from imminent danger without seeking permission.
- Ensure adequate occupational medical assistance and related facilities.
- Shall ensure access to clean drinking water, safe and clean eating and resting areas, as well as clean and safe cooking and food storage areas
- Shall always provide effective Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to all workers free of charge.  

Joslin has a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination of gender, inclusive of respective gender-specific health and safety requirements.
The manufacturing partner shall comply with occupational health and safety regulations and have a respectful understanding of women's health and naturally occurring circumstances of women's health. The manufacturing partner shall ensure that:
- Lavatories are cleaned daily, and adequate facilities are always available
- Lavatories provide separate facilities for male and female genders
- Adequate privacy is provided for females and female-identifying persons
- Facilities are provided for female menstruation
- Facilities are provided for new and expecting mothers if applicable
- Occupational health and safety for new and expecting mothers  

The manufacturing partner will not directly or indirectly employ children below the minimum age* of completion of compulsory schooling as defined by law, which shall not be less than the set period under law. 
* Joslin recognises the legal working age in The People's Republic of China as sixteen (16).
* Joslin recognises the legal working age in Australia is fifteen (15).
The manufacturing partner must establish robust age-verification mechanisms as part of the recruitment process, which may not be in any way degrading or disrespectful to the worker. This principle aims to protect children from any form of exploitation. Special care is to be taken on the occasion of the dismissal of children, as they can move into more hazardous employment, such as prostitution or drug trafficking. In removing children from the workplace, business partners should proactively identify measures to protect affected children. When appropriate, they shall pursue the possibility to provide decent work for adult household members of the affected children's family. 

The manufacturing partner ensures that young workers* do not work at night and that they are protected against conditions of work that are prejudicial to their health, safety, morals, and development, without prejudice to the specific expectations set out in this principle.  
*Joslin defines a young worker as someone over the legal working age but under the age of twenty-five (25).
Where young workers are employed, the manufacturing partner should ensure that:
- The kind of work is not likely to be harmful to their health or development
- Their working hours do not prejudice their attendance at school or any form of higher education
- Their participation in vocational orientation is approved by the competent authority or their capacity to benefit from training or instruction programs.
The manufacturing partner shall set the necessary mechanisms to prevent, identify, and mitigate harm to young workers; young workers shall have effective grievance mechanisms and occupational health and safety training schemes and programs.   

The manufacturing partner observes this principle when without prejudice that:
- They ensure that their employment relationships do not cause insecurity and social or economic vulnerability for their workers
- Work is performed based on a recognised and documented employment relationship
- Established in compliance with national legislation, custom or practice, and international labour standards, whichever provides more excellent protection.
Before entering into employment, the manufacturing partner will provide workers with understandable information about their rights, responsibilities, and employment conditions, including working hours, remuneration, and payment terms.   
Manufacturing partners shall not use employment arrangements in a way that deliberately does not correspond to the genuine purpose of the law. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Apprenticeship schemes where there is no intent to impart skills or provide regular employment
- Seasonality or contingency work when used to undermine workers' protection
- Labour-only contracting

Sub-contracting undermines all workers' rights and quality expectations in Joslin's Code Of Conduct (as written throughout this document).
Joslin strictly prohibits sub-contracting with manufacturing partners unknown to Joslin.
The manufacturing partner understands that Joslin will end the business partnership if the manufacturing partner is found to have used sub-contracting manufacturing or similar without written permission. The business partnership will cease immediately or as soon as reasonably able to.  

Joslin has a family-friendly office culture and workplace and wishes all manufacturing partners to participate in a family-friendly culture wherever fair and reasonably able to do so.
The manufacturing partner will provide decent working conditions that:
- Support workers, both women, and men, in their roles as parents or caregivers, especially concerning migrant and seasonal workers whose children may be left in the migrants' hometowns
- Supports the needs of new and expecting mothers
- Supports the needs of new parents in their roles as parents, both women, and men
- Supports the needs of new parents to provide their children with adequate schooling 

The manufacturing partner will not engage in any form of:
- Servitude, forced, bonded, indentured, trafficked, or non-voluntary labour.
The manufacturing partner risks allegations of complicity if they benefit from using such forms of labour by their manufacturing partners (inclusive of Tier 2 and Tier 3 vendors not made known to Joslin).
The manufacturing partner shall:
- Act with exceptional diligence when engaging and recruiting migrant workers both directly and indirectly
- Allow their workers the right to leave work and freely terminate their employment provided that workers give reasonable notice to the employer
- Ensure that workers are not subject to inhumane or degrading treatment, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, and verbal abuse
- Ensure that all disciplinary procedures are established in writing and are explained verbally to workers in clear and understandable terms.  

The manufacturing partner will observe this principle and without prejudice will not be involved in any act of:
- Corruption
- Extortion
- Embezzlement
- Bribery (including but not limited to) the promising, offering, giving, or accepting of any improper monetary or other incentives.
Joslin's manufacturing partners are expected to keep accurate information regarding their activities, structure, and performance and disclose these under applicable regulations and industry benchmark practices. 
Manufacturing partners should neither participate in falsifying such information nor in any act of misrepresentation in the supply chain. 
Furthermore, manufacturing partners should collect, use and otherwise process personal information, including:
- That from workers
- Business partners
- Customers
- Consumers (in their sphere of influence)
all with reasonable care.
The collection use and other processing of personal information are to comply with privacy and information security laws and regulatory requirements.  

Animal Welfare.

Joslin uses limited animal products in clothing manufacturing; it is currently limited to only GCS Cashmere, RWS Merino Wool, and Silk.
The manufacturing partner agrees to the prevention, reduction, and eradication of animal suffering in the production supply chain.

- Freedom from hunger and thirst by ready access to fresh water and diet to maintain health and vitality. This must be specific to the animal.
- Freedom from discomfort by providing an appropriate environment, including shelter and a comfortable resting area. This means you should provide soft bedding and space with the proper temperature, noise levels, and access to natural light. If an animal is outside, it must have shelter from the elements and appropriate food and water bowls that will not freeze or tip over.
- Freedom from pain, injury, or disease by prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment. This includes vaccinating animals, monitoring animals, physical health, treating any injuries, and providing appropriate medications.
 - Freedom to express normal behaviour by providing sufficient space, proper facilities, and the company of the animal's kind. Animals need to interact with (or avoid) others of their type as desired. They must be able to stretch every part of their body (from nose to tail) and run, jump, and play. This is particularly challenging when animals are housed in individual kennels.
- Freedom from fear and distress by ensuring conditions and treatment which avoid mental suffering. Mental health is just as important as physical health — as psychological stress can quickly transition into physical illness. These conditions can be achieved by preventing overcrowding and providing sufficient enrichment and safe hiding spaces.  

Joslin Studio Pty Ltd strictly prohibits the below animal products in their apparel and accessories:
- Leather
- Exotic animal skin
- Fur
- Angora
- Feathers
- Down  

Joslin Studio Pty Ltd allows the below animal products/proteins/fibres in their apparel and accessories:
- Silk*
- Sheep Wool (RWS Merino Wool)
- Cashmere (GCS Cashmere)
* Joslin recognises that generic silk does not fall under our Animal Welfare Code of Conduct. To date, Joslin has not been able to find an alternative of equal quality. The supplier recognises that if an adequate alternative is found, the use of this silk will become mandatory.
For allowed animal products, proteins and fibres, it is mandatory for the manufacturing partner to provide the following certifications:
- GCS (Good Cashmere Standard)
- SFA (Sustainable Fibre Alliance)
- ICCAW (International Cooperation Committee of Animal Welfare).
- RWS (Responsible Wool Standard)
For 100% Wool products, the manufacturing partner must provide the following certifications:
- Woolmark®
- RWS (Responsible Wool Standard)
It is desirable but not mandatory that wool or wool-blend products use non-mulesed wool. This is not mandatory or enforced due to MOQ (minimum order quantity) limitations with Joslin's purchase orders (currently only). The supplier recognises that if MOQs are met, this is mandatory.

Joslin has a pet-friendly office culture and workplace and wishes all manufacturing partners to participate in a pet-friendly culture and fundamental animal rights wherever fair and reasonably able to do so.
Joslin recognises that many, if not all, manufacturing partners will keep a domesticated animal (such as a dog) on the premises for security reasons. 
Joslin expects that all manufacturing partners will ensure that:
- All domesticated animals such as dogs and cats belonging to factory owners or will not be kept chained up outside the premises of the factory permanently
- Adequate food, water, and shelter will be provided to the animal if it is to reside on the premises of the factory permanently
 - The animal will be brought inside if the weather is too hot or too cold
- Adequate exercise and play will be provided to the animal if it is to reside on the premises of the factory permanently or similar permanently - Human contact, love, and care will be provided to the animal if it is to permanently reside on the premises of the factory or similar permanently

Textiles, Fibres, Yarns & Raw Materials.

Joslin only uses textiles, fibres, yarns, and raw materials high in quality, planet-friendly, and traceable to the source wherever reasonably possible. Traceable origin is preferred but not mandatory due to MOQ (minimum order quantity) limitations and chain of custody limitations in the supply chain.

The manufacturing partner will not use substitutes in production against our standards and approved textiles, mills, and vendors.

The minimum standard for linen quality must have traceable origins certified with European Flax® for at least the steps of flaxseed, farming, scutching, and combing before being imported into China for spinning and weaving to ensure high authenticity quality.
It is preferred (but not mandatory) that the spinning and weaving mills are certified with European Flax®.
The flax seeds, combed fibres, and flax bales must originate from France or Belgium (Europe) with minimum proof by both or either:
- Country-Of-Origin Certificate
- European Flax® Certificate
Linen preferred certification:
- European Flax®
- Belgian Linen™
- Masters of Linen®
Linen can not be sourced from other origins unless certified by:
- GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard)
- OCS (Organic Content Standard)  

Cotton must be certified by:
- GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard)
OCS (Organic Content Standard)
The manufacturing partner will support Joslin to ensure that no GMOs (genetically modified organisms) of cotton are used during manufacturing.
A chain of custody is preferable to ensure cotton cannot be traced to regions of known human rights violations, child labour, and forced labour.   
If any hesitation or suspicion, the below certificates are to be supplied on top of usual cotton certifications to Joslin:
- Country-Of-Origin Certificate
- Fairtrade® Certificate

Cashmere must be certified by:
- GCS (Good Cashmere Standard)
 - SFA (Sustainable Fibre Alliance)
- ICCAW (International Cooperation Committee of Animal Welfare).   

Wool and merino wool must be certified by:
- RWS (Responsible Wool Standard)
100% pure wool fibres must be certified by
- Woolmark®
Wool must be non-mulesed wool wherever possible. Due to MOQ (minimum order quantity) limitations with Joslin's purchase orders, this is not mandatory or enforced. 

It is preferred, but not mandatory, that all Viscose is certified by:
- FSC (Forest Stewardship Council)
FSC Certified Viscose will be sourced from sustainably managed plantations. Due to MOQ (minimum order quantity) limitations with Joslin's purchase orders, this is not mandatory or enforced. 

The manufacturing partners mills and dye-houses must ensure woven fabrics made of 100% silk (including silk/spandex, silk/cotton, and silk/viscose (with or without golden or silver lurex), bleached or dyed) by:
- Oeko-Tex® 100 Standard

All manufacturers and dye-houses must ensure yearly audits and certification by:
- Oeko-Tex® 100 Standard
No harmful chemicals are used during the dying process, ensuring customer confidence, high product safety, healthier waterways, sustainability awareness, and chemicals' responsible use.   

A chain of custody is preferable (but not mandatory) to ensure cotton and other natural fibres cannot be traced to regions of known human rights violations, child labour, and forced labour.  

A chain of custody is preferable (but not mandatory) to ensure cotton and other natural fibres cannot be traced to regions of known human rights violations, child labour, and forced labour.  

Environment & Sustainability.

Joslin supports the regeneration of our environment and caring for mother earth for the future of all humanity and animals (including mammals, reptiles, fish, birds, and insects) for healthy biodiversity of the planet and all environments. 
Joslin expects all manufacturing partners to implement environmental practices within their own country's laws and environmental policies, and the expectation sits within what is fair, reasonable, and financially viable.

Manufacturing partners of Joslin will take necessary measures to avoid environmental degradation of any sort.
Joslin's manufacturing partners will assess significant environmental impacts of operations and establish effective policies and procedures that reflect their environmental responsibility. They will implement adequate measures to prevent or minimise adverse effects on the community, natural resources, and the overall environment. 
Manufacturing partners of Joslin will ensure:
- The existence or future implementation of an Environmental Management System (EMS)
- Proper waste management, with particular attention to hazardous waste and emissions which may not be dumped or discharged unlawfully, including water waste
 Employees whose work directly impacts the environment shall be trained, competent, and have the necessary resources to do their jobs, including appropriate personal protective equipment.
- Plastic, cardboard, paper, glass, and metal are correctly recycled
- Soft plastic recycling is in place, and soft plastics are avoided  

Manufacturing partners and dye-houses of Joslin must ensure yearly audits and certification by:
- Oeko-Tex® 100 Standard
No harmful chemicals are used during the dying process, ensuring customer confidence, high product safety, healthier waterways, sustainability awareness, and chemicals' responsible use. 
Joslin's manufacturing partners and dye-houses must not use harmful materials, dyes, or chemicals that have any unacceptable risk to health or the environment during production, use, or disposal.
All manufacturing partners must keep themselves updated with local environmental laws and comply with all current and specific legal requirements regarding the restriction or ban of certain chemicals and metals. Such as, but not limited to, lead, cadmium, nickel, phthalates, azo, and dispersed dyes for the products manufactured and distributed globally for Joslin. This includes all applicable laws and regulations regarding the storage, handling, and disposal of hazardous chemicals and non-hazardous solid waste, as well as the treatment and disposal of wastewater and air emissions. 
As regulations are continuously updated, manufacturing partners and dye-houses of Joslin must remain diligent and adopt any new standards and changes to meet global chemical regulations.
All manufacturing partners and dye-houses of Joslin must provide goods, products, packaging, and merchandise that have been manufactured in compliance with the global restricted substance regulations.
They must be able to provide, upon request, documentation in the form of laboratory reports and original supplier certifications to show and verify compliance. If they cannot meet these requirements, they must advise Joslin before purchase order finalisation and deposit payment.
All manufacturing partners and dye-houses understand that Joslin withholds the right to cancel the purchase order if these terms are not met within fair, reasonable, and financially viable terms.  

The manufacturing partner and dye-hours recognise and agree that denim manufacturing in specific withholds more environmental hazards than any other form of clothing and apparel.
Denim manufacturing partners must ensure that all products comply with processing restrictions and worker safeguards. Products shall not be produced using any banned processes as listed as follows:
- Bleaching and drying processes are performed with specific granules that are toxic
- Processes where denim or other fabric materials are disposed in a chamber in dry contact together with granules or a course, absorbent material (including, without limitation, pumice stones) which have been impregnated with a bleaching agent (including, without limitation, hypochlorite bleach and potassium permanganate).
- Processes where denim or other fabric materials are bleached in a dry state by dry tumbling the materials and the granules together for some time sufficient to fade the materials randomly; such fabric materials are separated from the granules.
- Processes where denim or other fabric materials are sandblasted or subject to sandblasting techniques using crystalline silica, sand, or other materials that are blasted onto or at materials.
It is preferred but not mandatory that all denim production be certified by:
- Oeko-Tex® 100 Standard
- GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard)
- Bluesign®
Bluesign® is not mandatory or enforced due to MOQ (minimum order quantity) limitations with Joslin's purchase orders.

The manufacturing partner will support Joslin in reducing single-use plastic and working towards the total elimination of plastic materials and substances within the Supply Chain:
- Plastic and soft plastic used in apparel manufacturing, including buttons, trims, and accessories
- Soft plastic is to be used for packing apparel and shipping/storying apparel goods, including poly bags
- Soft plastic used for shipping and freighting apparel goods and samples of apparel goods
Joslin has developed '100% compostable' poly bags and transportation satchels. The manufacturing partner agrees to use them in all cases that are fair, reasonable, and financially viable.  

Joslin made a concerted effort to reduce their carbon footprint within their operations by consciously reducing the use of aviation in freighting logistics, with the vast majority of collections now freighted via sea. The manufacturing partner will support Joslin timely manufacturing of goods to ensure freight by sea-freight, avoiding air-freight.

Joslin condemns the destruction of end-of-life stock, a practice in which the brand has never been involved. All end-of-life stock will be donated to charitable initiatives or recycled.  

Joslin uses the same textiles, materials, trims, and raw materials ongoing in each collection to eliminate wastage. If a manufacturing partner overbuys or overproduces a textile, trim, or raw material. In that case, it will be produced under approval by Joslin or put aside for usage within the next Purchase Order.
Joslin does not accept a tolerance over 5% of ordered products to eliminate overproducing and wastage if the fabric is a repeated or core textile.